Textbook Systems to Purify Air and Water in Cities, Atmosphere and Oceans
Available in English and Spanish
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Take the Course of this Textbook
Course # 3 Systems to Purify the Air and Water of the Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans
We invite you to take the extension course based on this textbook, through video classes we will teach you and put into practice the knowledge acquired through simple interactive practices, questions with selection of answers and you will receive a digital diploma at the end of the course.
IIntroduction ................................... 1
Section 1
System to Decontaminate Air, Water and Surfaces in Closed Spaces ........................................... .2
Class 1 Transmission of the COVID19 Virus ............................................ 2
Laboratory Test to Determine Contagion
COVID-19 .......................................... 2
Transmission of COVID19 ................... 6
Persistence of COVID-19 in the Environment .................................. .... 7
Class 2 Today's Enclosed Space Purification Systems to Prevent COVID-19 Contagion and for Other Uses ............................ ................ 12
Ozonation ........................................ 12
Infrared Laser Beams ........................ 13
Algae................................................ .14
Class 3 Recommendations to Improve Current Technology to Purify Closed Spaces .................... 16
Indoor Air and Water Purification System ............................................ ..16
Recommendations for the Treatment of COVID-19 ......................................... 19
System for the Protection of Life Against Biological and Chemical Weapons ....................................... ...................20
Class 4 How to Maintain Human Activities in the Face of a Pandemic through the Use of the Interior Purification System and Prevention and Containment Measures ........................................ ............23
Section 2
System to Purify Air and Water in Urban Areas ..................... 25
Class 5 Components of Vertical Gardens in Urbes ......................... 25
Natural and Technological Components .......................................................... 25
Factory of Modular Graphene Triangles for Buildings ..................................... 54
Ventilation Systems ........................... 62
Class 6 Design of Air and Water Purification System through Vertical Gardens
Urban ......................................... 63
Current Vertical Garden Models ......................................................... .63
Design of the Urban Vertical Garden of the NGO Arca Tierra ........................ 68
Class 7 Food Production .............. 72
Food Production in Urban Vertical Gardens ............................................ 72
Poverty Solution in Rural Areas ..................................................... .... 76
Solving Hunger, Improving Humanitarian Assistance and Shelter Management ..................................... 79
Class 8 Water Availability Function ....................................................81
Rainwater Collection, Wastewater Treatment and Water Coil .......................................................... 81
Wastewater Re-Treatment ... ..............84
Surface Aquifers ............................... 86
Desalination ...................................... 87
Class 9 Function of Providing Food and Shelter for Birds, Butterflies and Bees ............................................ 93
Class 10 Function of Providing Safe Spaces in Cases of Toxic Air, Biological Weapons and
Chemicals ................................... 96
Section 3
System to Clean Plastic Continents, Atmosphere and Oceans ............................... 100
Class 11 Cleaning of Plastic Containers ................................ 100
Current Ocean Conditions ............... 100
Measures to Reduce Plastics in the Oceans ........................................... .103
Techniques for Cleaning the Oceans and Coasts ............................................. 104
Class 12. Mangrove Islands for the Purification of the Atmosphere and Oceans and the creation
of Anticyclone Zones ................. 107
Mangrove Islands and Natural Anticyclone Barriers ........................ 107
Stages for the Installation and Commissioning of Water Purification Systems
the Atmosphere and the Oceans ....... 108
Class 13. How can you help the development and implementation of this system and that it is
available for everyone .............. 125
Get the E-book of the Course to Learn More!
It teaches us the first steps to solve climate change, by describing the technology to predict the climate, reduce cyclones and tornadoes, purify the atmosphere and oceans, as well as the effective organization model to be used in the conservation of the natural resources, the solution to climate change and surviving natural disasters, the legislation necessary for its operation that guarantees breathable air, a prosperous economy and sustainable development with equal rights.